"When I was a child this was all unproductive fields"
This week members of the Angleski Cheka successfully identified the dissidents who gathered to protest against "Energy Island". Over 200 people will be processed in public trials on February the 10th.
Comrade Commissioner Aldridge, in a glorious speech to the politburo, stated that "Angleski has never been known as Energy Island and has always been known as Enterprise Island. Those that think Energy Island exists are guilty of Thought Crime and should be reported.
"The plans to erect monumental fans across the State are part of a grand plan to extract the warm climates of the West, especially the Caribbean.
"The fans will also blow away any Capitalist literature from the Mainland. This is in line with the Cardiffgrad scheme to reduce literacy in our young workers and focusing manual skills in preparation for the labour camps being planned near Holyheadnius Shipyards.